瑞士的VLF报时台HBG (75KHz, 20KW) 自1966年开播以来,历经 Swiss Federal Office of Telecommunications Authorities (至1997 年)、Swisscom(2000 年交棒),Swiss Federal Office of Metrology (METAS) 迄今管理下,因天线塔老朽化必须汰旧换新,METAS 当局已决定在2011年功成身退关台。
Since 1966 the longwave transmitter HBG located in Prangins/VD broadcasts at 75 kHz time markers synchronised to UTC. As body in charge for the realisation and dissemination of the timescale in Switzerland, METAS operates this transmitter since 1st June 2000. In addition to the pulses sent each second, the telegram contains also coded information on the time of day and on the calendar date. The carrier frequency is derived from an atomic clock and can be used as reference frequency. The use of the signal or its carrier frequency is free of charge. The transmitter is operated continuously, 24 hours a day.
The emitter will cease its operation be the end of 2011